Filed studies were carried out at Quesna, Menufyia governorate during two successive seasons 2009 and 2010 in summer plantation and late summer plantation. The highest average number of Aphis craccivora (koch.) in the two plantations during the two successive seasons was recorded on Gomi variety (96.14±19.16) followed by Paulista variety (93.44±19.79), while, the lowest average number was on Samantha variety (62.98±13.25).Nebraska variety had (68.36±13.18) nymphs/ 50 leaflets.
With respect to the white fly Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) the highest average number in the two plantations during the two successive seasons was recorded on Nebraska variety (33.70±7.37) followed by Gomi variety (30.22±7.27). On the other hand, the lowest average number, on Samantha variety (17.85±3.77) Paulista variety had (20.26±3.78 ind. / 50 leaflets).
Regarding to the potato leafhopper Empoasca discipiens Poali, the highest average number of the two plantations during the two successive seasons was recorded on Nebrasca variety (36.06±15.41) followed by Gomi variety (33.75±14.80) and Samantha variety (31.51±14.43). While, the lowest average number was found on Paulista variety (25.32±11.63).On the other hand, Cerdon variety harboured (26.62±11.67) and Giza 6 variety (27.92±12.17 nymphs / 50 leaflets).
Results showed that the highest average number of Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) was recorded on Cerdon variety (43.33±18.17) followed by Nebraska variety (40.45±17.70). While, the lowest average number was recoded on Gomi variety (28.60±11.70). Giza6 variety sheltered (29.96±12.26 larvae /50 leaflets).
The results indicated that the highest average number of Tetranychus urticae (Koch.) in the two plantations during the two successive seasons 2009 and 2010 was recorded on Gomi variety (21.44±4.81) followed by Paulista variety (17.78±2.79) and Nebraska variety (16.56±2.82); Cerdon variety (15.77±2.55) and Giza 6 variety (14.45±1.96). While Samantha variety harboured the lowest number (12.19±2.71) individuals of T. urticae during the two seasons of study.
Statistical analysis revealed that there are significant difference (p<0.01) between the different kidney bean varieties during seasons and plantations according to the average number of the tested pests, A. craccivora, B. tabaci, E. discipiens, L. trifolii and T. urticae.
Results showed that late summer plantation of kidney bean during the two successive seasons 2009 and 2010 showed the highest average number of the aphids A. craccivora (106.25±5.21 and 115.13±10.02 nymphs/50 leaflets ) and the serepentine leaf miner L. trifolii (23.86±2.26 and 78.40±5.68 larvae/50 leaflet), respectively. On the other hand, summer plantation of kidney bean during the two seasons sheltered the highest average number of the white fly B. tabaci (29.01±2.34 and 38.00±4.63 ind./ 50 leaflets) and potato leafhopper E. discipiens (46.57±2.21 and 59.07±3.72 nymphs/50 leaflets), respectively. Moreover, the red spider mite T. urticae reached the highest average number in late summer plantation during season 2009 which represented by 23.05±2.83 ind. /50 leaflets.