The present study is carried out at the experimental farm of Assiut University, during the period started from 2014 to 2016 growing seasons of cucumber. The faunistic composition of pests and their associated predators inhabiting cucumber plants, Cucumus sativus Lrevealed the presence of 39 species of arthropods belonged to 13 orders and 28 families as well as some species of true spiders. From the species collected, 4 species are considered as abundant pests, 2 species as less abundant pests, 11species slightly abundant, 18 beneficial arthropods and some unidentified true spider and 4 species are considered as pollinators and visitors. The collected species can be classified as piercing-sucking pests, leaf feeders, and leaf miners. In general member of 7 insect orders (Orthoptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Acari) and 13 families (Acridiidae, Gryllotalpidae, Gryllidae, Thripidae, Pentatomidae, Aleyrodidae, Aphidadae, Cicadellidae, Noctuidae, Agromyzidae) beside four families of order Acari (Iolinidae, Tarsonemidae, Tetranychidae and Tydidae) were recorded inhabiting cucumber plants during spring and summer plantations of cucumber at Assiut governorate in session (2014-2016). The green lacwing, Chrysoperla carnea Steph, the hover fly, Eupeodes corollae (F.) (= Syrphus corolla F.) and the lady beetles, Coccinella undecimpunctata L., were the most abundant predator species. Species such as Lapidura riparia Pall, Orius sp., P. alferii Koch.and some unidentified species of true spiders were collected occasionally and in scarce numbers.