Stem rust collections were obtained from infected wheat stems throughout the survey of wheat fields and nurseries in (Garbia, Dakhlia, Minofia, Kafer Elshake and Sharkia governorates) during 2012/2013. The findings of this paper were based on race analysis through inoculation of stem rust populations, isolation and multiplication of single-pustule of the pathogen and race determination by inoculating on stem rust differential hosts. The phenotypic characterization of P. graminis f. sp. tritici resulted in identification of 85 isolates 40 races were identification from the collected samples were the most frequency and predominant race were BBBTC, TDBBB and BTCBB with frequency (9.44%, 7% and 7%) respectively. Race analysis from the tested samples reveled that race TDBBB was the most prevalent race with a frequency of 7% followed by TTHBB and TTHTB which gave frequency of 5.88% and 4.7% respectively at Garbia governorate. Whereas, race BTCBB was the most frequent at Dakhlia (7%) . The highest frequency during this survey was recorded with BBBJC at Minofia governorate which gave 9.41%. Cluster analysis reveled that, identified races were divided to A and B group with similarity a bout 31.10%, where A (Kafer Elshaik) and B the rest governorates. Among 20 wheat stem rust differential hosts, Sr31 was the most effective one which exhibit 100% efficacy to all races followed by Sr24 (89.5%). While Sr 9g while, Sr5 were the least effective during this study. Thus, use of effective Sr stem rust resistance genes such as Sr31 and Sr24 in single cultivar through gene pyramiding has paramount importance as the additive effects of several genes gives the cultivar a wider base stem rust resistance along with periodic race survey.