The present work aimed to study the relation between honey bee colony collapse and the cell phone radiation. The study conducted at special apiaries at Sharkia governorate and the laboratories of Economic Entomology and Biochemistry Departments, Faculty of Agriculture, Menofiya University. Five hives of three bee hybrids were located closed to cell phone towers and 1 , 2 km far from towers, in addition ,bee workers were directly exposed to the waves of personal cell phone device. The obtained results in both of the two seasons indicated that the lowest values of colony strength, brood area, pollen area, and honey yield were recorded at the colonies under cell phone station and the highest values were showed at the colonies far from the cell phone station by 2 km. Statistical analysis of data indicated that there were significant differences in all values under study between hives closed to cell phone towers and those far from it. Furthermore, the biochemical parameters of exposed colonies to electromagnetic radiations of cell phone device showed significant increases in total carbohydrates, glucose, protein, total lipids and cholesterol compared with control. Vice versa , results indicated that there were significant decreases in acid and alkaline phosphates enzymes in the treated colonies compared with control. Finally, it could be concluded that cell phone radiation consider one of the major factors causing honey bee colony collapses and must be away from these radiations.