The experiments of this study were conducted at lab, greenhouse and the experimental farm of Rice Research and Training Center (RRTC), Sakha, Kafr El-Sheikh during 2013, 2014 and 2015 seasons.. Results indicated that all the tested isolates of F. moniliforme (21) varied in their virulence. However, the high virulent isolates were obtained from isolates no, 12, 2 and 1 which gave 79.33, 73.33 and 72.0% ; infection respectively. While, isolate no. 6 was avirulent one. Also, results indicated that all rice cvs. differed in their susceptibility to infection with tesed isolates of F. moniliforme. Sakha 101 and Giza 177, were the most susceptible cvs. Hybrid 1 and Hybrid 2 exhibited the highest infection percentage. Survival percentage of Fusarium moniliforme in the infected grains or soil gradually after 2-10 months, then decreased tremendously after two years of storage either in a screenhouse or at room temperature. The results indicated that the highest number of dead(infected) plants were (17.67 plant/pot) was obtained from seedling infection 100% at 10 DAT compared with (0.5 plant/pot) of healthy 100 %. Moreover, the highest number of infected plant (14 plant/pot) was obtained from seedling infection 65 % followed by (12.00 plant/pot) from seedling infection 75 % at 45 DAT compared (0.70 plant/pot) of healthy 100 %. Data indicated that, the highest grain yield (4.962, 4.899 and 4.856 t/fed) was in treatment of spray at 5 DAF followed by spray at 15 DAF(4.826, 4.685 and 4.697 t/fed) that obtained from Beam, Sumi8 and Vitavax spray treatments, respectively compared with control (4.125 t/fed) at 2013 season.