Rotation of three compounds and in combination of additional control method(i.e., blue sticky traps)were conducted under greenhouse pepper conditionsduring 2013 and 2014 seasons at Kaha region, Qalyubia Governorate to get successful results in Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (WFT)control and reduce damage to pepper flowers. Two greenhouse G2 and G3 were treated at weekly intervals with three compounds (i.e., Sumithion 50% ECat 250 cm3/100L; Radiant 12% SC at 25 cm3/100L and mixture of two plant extracts,Artemisia annua L. and Capsicum annuum, L. at the ratio of 1:1 at 300 cm3/100L)while, blue sticky traps at 20 traps/greenhouse were installed only in G3starting from July 2nd week for both seasons to accelerate the efficiency of foliage sprays against WFT attacks on pepper flowers. During the investigation period, no crop damage was detectedon the pepper leaves by WFT. The absence of WFT population from leaf samples due to the flowers were more attractive than the leaves. The infestation trends of the western flower thrips (WFT) F. occidentalis on pepper flower samples showed low levels during the second half of late June in both seasons (in control greenhouse G1). Afterward and in mid-August the flower damage was detected where they feed on flower tissues and pollen and failure in hybridization Balady var. and hybrid 08. WFT population declined coincides by the decrease in flowers numbers of pepper plants during September confirming that WFT preferred flowers of pepper greenhouse than leaves. Also, results indicated that, using rotation of different compounds and in combination of additional control method such as blue sticky traps gave successful effects in WFT control under greenhouse pepper conditions and reduced damage to pepper flowers resulting from infestation by F. occidentalis.