Nine aqueous or alcoholic plant extracts and three hive products were offered to 4th and 5th instar of imported and local hybrids of silkworm. They were: aqueous and alcoholic extracts of Eucalyptus, Mulberry, Christ's thorn (Hozaen and Baladi), Psidium, Ocimum basilicum, Mint, Budlia asiatica, Lantana camara, and Pollen, Bee Bread, Propolis. The measured or calculated parameters were: initial, final, average larval weight (g) and growth index, silk glands weight and ratio %, weight of cocoons, cocoon's shell and pupae, and cocoon shell ratio %.
Concerning imported race of silkworm, feeding with mulberry leaves treated with aqueous extracts leads to significant increment of cocoon shell weight (g) in Eucalyptus, Christ's thorn (Baladi), O. basilicum, mint, pollen and propolis. Insignificant increase in cocoon shell ratio % was noticed in Eucalyptus, Psidium, mint and propolis, while in case of alcoholic extracts, maximum significant shell weight was detected in Christ's thorn (Baladi) treatment, followed by: Eucalyptus, mulberry, Christ's thorn (Hozaen), Psidium, O. basilicum and mint, with significant differences with control. Insignificant increment in cocoon shell ratio % was noticed in Psidium treatment only. All differences in treatments of imported race were significant with both of aqueous or alcoholic extracts, except cocoon shell ratio %.
Concerning local race of silkworm, feeding with mulberry leaves which treated with tested aqueous extracts leads to significant increase in cocoon shell weight (gm) in Eucalyptus, mulberry, Christ's thorn (Hozaen), B. asiatica, L. camara, and pollen treatments, and insignificant increase in Christ's thorn (Baladi), Psidium, O. basilicum, and mint treatments. General increase in cocoon shell ratio % in all treatments except bee bread and significant differences were detected in Eucalyptus and propolis treatments, while in case of alcoholic extracts significant increase in cocoon shell weight (gm) was found in B. asiatica treatment, followed by: eucalyptus, mulberry, Christ's thorn (Hozaen), L. camara, pollen and propolis treatments. Insignificant increment in cocoon shell ratio % in propolis, L. camara, B. asiatica, mint and Eucalyptus. For local hybrid of silkworm, no significant differences in alcoholic treatments, were observed, however insignificant increment differences were detected in five treatments. Aqueous extracts of Eucalyptus or propolis increased cocoon shell ratio % in both of tested hybrids. Aqueous or alcoholic extracts of B. asiatica or L. camara increased cocoon shell ratio % in local hybrid. Aqueous extracts increased cocoon shell ratio % in 15 cases, while in case of alcoholic extracts in 6 cases only.
The most effective treatments were: Eucalyptus, Psidium and propolis. Using of aqueous extracts was more effective available, and cheap as compared with using alcohol in extraction.