The present study was conducted on rapeseeds, castor seeds and apricot kernels against the glassy clover snail, Monacha cartusiana (Müller). The study used a new technique to obtain an effective, safe and cheap alternative method to pesticides, molluscicidal activities were evaluated for rapeseeds, castor seeds and apricot kernels baits against the glassy clover snail under laboratory conditions (26 ± 2°C). The results showed that the highest mortality of the apricot kernels as compared to rapeseeds and castor seeds, due to the presence of the amygdalin in apricot kernels and its absence within rapeseeds and castor seeds. Results indicated that amygdalin separated from apricot kernels recorded mortality percentages after three weeks for treatment with 2 % concentration under laboratory conditions, where, juveniles of M. cartusiana mortality were 100 %, while, adults of M. cartusiana mortality were 86.67 %, compared to apricot kernels powder without amygdalin recorded 13.33 % of juveniles and 6.67 % of adults with 10 % concentration .Similarly, field investigations estimated the residual effect of amygdalin separated from apricot kernels and apricot kernels powder on reduction percentages after three weeks were 71.62 % and 76.46 %, at concentration 2 % and 10 % respectively. Biochemical studies were recorded an increase in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase enzymes in juveniles and adults of M. cartusiana treated with amygdalin separated from apricot kernels. In addition, analysis of amygdalin separated from apricot kernels, where it was confirmed.