This study aimed to assessment survivorship and fecundity of the vine mealybug, Planococcus ficus (Signoret) reared on different hosts (Hedra helix L., Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) and Nerium oleander L.). The experiment was carried under laboratory conditions, life table and population parameters were structure to assessment survivorship in all stages of the vine mealybug life cycle. Results displayed that the highest mortality existed in the immature stages (nymphal stages) for all hosts were 32.02, 42.05 and 56.63 % and the total mortality were 35.89, 48 and 64.50 % on H.helix , P. tobira and N. oleander on respectively. Fertility tables showed that the net reproductive rate (R0) of population were (105.08, 58.90 and 54.11), mean generation time (T) were (27.42, 40.33 and 43.68), innate capacity for increase (r) were (0.17, 0.10 and 0.09), finite rate of increase (λ) were (1.85, 1.11 and 1.09) and the population doubling time (DT) were within (4.08, 6.93 and 7.70 day) for three hosts on respectively. According to the results, it could be concluded that the survivorship curve of Planococcus ficus (Signoret) approach to a diagonal model curve, which reflects a humble rate of mortality through life stages and piecemeal decreasing when oncoming adulthood with a significant effect of food preference for H.helix comparative with P. tobira and N. oleander.