Disease incidence % and disease severity % of the powdery mildew fungus(Podosphaera leucotricha) were assessed on Anna apple trees (Malus domestica, Borkh) budded on MM106 rootstock during 2016-2017 seasons in three different locations in Egypt. The disease occurrence was more prevailing in Qalyoubia governorate than the two orchard sites in Behaira (Kafr El Dawar and Noubaria). The efficacy of eleven foliar spray programs for management apple powdery mildew and on vegetative growth, fruiting parameters and fruit quality of Anna apple trees was evaluated in experimental farm at El-Qanater El-Khairia Horticultural Research Station in Qalyoubia, Agricultural Research Centre. All treatments reduced the disease severity % of powdery mildew with significant increase to all investigated vegetative growth measurements, fruiting parameters and fruit quality of Anna apple trees in relation to the control. The alternative fungicides in program 4 (Microvit, Punch and Topas) provided protection at an important level against powdery mildew infection and improved parameters and characters as compared with fungicide Microvit (P1), Punch (P2) or Topas (P3) each alone in the two seasons. In addition, alternation sprays among biofungicides in program 8 (Bio Zied , Bio Arc and AQ10) gave more efficiency, both growth and fruiting parameters and fruit characters as compared with those used in a single treatment in P5 (Bio Zied), P6 (Bio Arc) and P7 (AQ10). The effectiveness of Potassium Silicate in (P9) in inhibiting powdery mildew disease led to used it in alternation with Microvit and AQ10 in program10 as an integrated pest management (IPM) program. In general, the effectiveness of the alternative treatments with non-systemic fungicide Microvit, Potassium Silicate and AQ10 in (P10) was similar to that recorded of the systemic fungicides P2 (Punch) and P3 (Topas)) in both seasons. Results show that P10 can be used as alternative method for farmers to have eco-friendly management of powdery mildew with significant increase to the produced growth, productivity and fruit quality.