Relative abundance of tested pests, peach fruit fly (PFF), Bactrocera zonata Saunder, and Mediterranean fruit fly (MFF), Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, on coloured grapes varieties, Red grape (Crimson), Black grape (Autumn royal) and white grape (Early sweet), were searched throughout the seasons 2014 to 2016, beginning first March to first November as a catch/trap/males day at Khatatiba district in Giza Governorate. The total captured males of both fruit flies throughout the three seasons in three grapes varieties is (1481.85 males) distributed descendingly as follows: (287.53, 400.23 and 794.53 male) representing (19.37, 27.01 and 53.62 %) in first, second and third seasons, respectively. Also the white grapes (early sweet) come as the superior one with total number of (889.5 male) amounting 60 % of whole total capture. Red grape (crimson) and black grape (autumn royal) varieties come in the second and third order with total capture (411.84and 180.81 males) respectively, amounting 27.79 and 12.21 % of the whole total males captured through three season, respectively comparing the relative abundance of MFF and PFF in each variety throughout the three seasons indicated, both species had the same trend in the three seasons all over the tree verities and the rate of replacement by MFF over PFF was prononeed at early sweet where the population ratio of MFF to PFF were (94.07, 81.51 and 71.67 %) to (5.93, 18.49 and 28.33%) during the third, second and first seasons, respectively. While the lowest one observed in crimson variety, where were (64.947.43 and 38.57) to (38.09, 52.57 and 61.43) during the third, second and first seasons, respectively. The total monthly of both fruit flies recorded two peaks ondifferent grapes varieties through period from May to September during three successive seasons. The first and highest peak occurred in May with total monthly catch of 64.29, 112.66 and 345.09 males/month representing 22.39, 28.15 and 43.44% from total population, respectively. while the second and lowest one recording on September with total of 80.53, 87.21 and 66.5 males/month representing 28.05, 21.79 and 8.37% from total population during first, second and three seasons, respectively. Statistical analysis for the relationship between population of both fruit fliesand prevailing climatic factors, the simple correlation out 27 cases 7 revelled significance correlations of out which 4 and 3 cases for PFF and MFF were positively significant, respectively. This cases distributed in early sweet and crimson variety only while autumn royal variety were non-significant. Weather factors efficacy on the fruit flies showed no significant during period activity of tested pest. Effect of studied fruit age on the population density of fruit showed no significant during period activity of tested pests on all varieties also, both physiological and biological factors of fruits flies as well as the maturity states of the three varieties of grapes play an integral role in environmental factor with presence of the in the pests in Giza Governorate.