Experiments were conducted in the experimental Horticulture Research Station at Qaha, Qalubiya governorate under greenhouse conditions during two successive seasons (2016-2017 and 2017-2018). The study aims to evaluate some pest control methods on cucumber, Cucumis sativus L. and their effect on total yield. Population density of Bemisia tabaci (Geen.), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) and Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley determined on cucumber plants. Blue and yellow sticky traps were settled in first greenhouse in rate of 13 traps (10 blue and 3 yellow). The second greenhouse was treated in foliar spray by (closer SC24% “Sulfoxaflor" at 10cm3 /20L plus 13 traps (10 blue and 3 yellow). The third greenhouse without treatments (untreated). Results indicated that, the activity period of B. tabaci, F. occidentalis and P. solenopsis on cucumber plants during both seasons was expressed by two and three peaks. The effects of different treatments of pest control methods (traps, pesticides + traps) were high significantly in reducing pests` population and increase yield. Where, in untreated plots, B. tabaci, F. occidentalis and P. solenopsis were responsible for 98% and 99%, reduction in yield respectively. Maximum and minimum temperature were showed that significant negative effect on the population in first season conversely, in the second season cleared significant positive on B. tabaci, F. occidentalis and P. solenopsis population. The relative humidity had significant positive effect on first season however in the second season found insignificant. The combined effect (E.V) of these ecological factors on B. tabaci, F. occidentalis and P. solenopsis showed that these factors were responsible as a group for 94 %, 90 %, 92 during 2016-2017 and 98, 98, 99 during 2017-2018 effects on the population density of insects throughout both seasons, respectively. The obtained results revealed that, the treatment of pesticide with traps (yellow and blue) reduced effectively population of whitefly, thrips and mealy bugs and increase the yield during the two seasons of the study.