The study was carried out at the apiary of Department of Plant Protection Faculty of Agriculture Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, to determine the effects of diurnal and nocturnal periods on hygienic behavior of Carniolan F1 and Italian F1 hybrids colonies under Nasr City environmental conditions, and to evaluate the using of plant oils against Varroa destructor mite. Hygienic behavior in honeybee Apis mellifera, is measured by determining the rate ofthe bees uncap and remove dead sealed brood. Significant differences between hygienic behavior during diurnal and nocturnal activities, as well as between hybrids were found. The average of hygienic percentages at diurnal of Italian F1 hybrid colonies were 63.33, 82.67, and 85.33 % and for Carniolan F1 hybrid colonies were 45.33, 59.67, and 77.33 % after 12, 18 and 24 hrs, respectively. The average of hygienic percentages at nocturnal of Italian F1 hybrid colonies were 93.00, 98.00, and 100.00 % and for Carniolan F1 hybrid colonies were 67.00, 83.67, and 95.00 % after 12, 18 and 24 hrs, respectively. The highest mean numbers of fallen mites/colony (39.67 mites) were obtained from colonies treated with olive oil, followed by 35.00 mites from colonies treated with Mitac, then 27.00 mites from colonies treated with mustard oil. It could be advisable to use plant oils to control Varroa mite infesting honeybee colonies to avoid the appearance of mite resistant strains and products pollution.