Cuttings of Plumbago capensis from in vitro propagated stock plants (IV) had higher rooting percentage, roots number, roots length and leaves number than cuttings from conventionally propagated stock plants (CP). Sub-terminal cuttings from IV were better than terminal ones in rooting percentage. The best results were obtained from the sub-terminal cuttings rather than the terminal ones when using the IV cuttings. Terminal cuttings from CP were perferable than subterminal cutting.
Terminal cuttings from two years old plants gave higher results than from one year old plants. Sub-terminal cuttings from one year old plants had more rooting percentage and leaves number than cuttings from two years old plants.
For rooting percentage, it is better to use indole acetic acid (IAA) than indole butyric acid (IBA) with all cuttings except terminal cuttings from one year old plants. Higher roots number was found with IBA than IAA treatments for all cuttings.
Both sub-terminal cuttings (IV) from one or two years old plants gave the best percentage of rooting (100%) when treated by 3000 and 4000 p.p.m IAA respectively.
The greatest root number (80 roots/cutting) was formed on terminal cuttings (IV) from two years old plants with 3000 p.p.m IBA.