A diallel cross of six maize (Zea mays, L.) inbred lines included reciprocals was examined for grain yield and other associated agronomic characters to estimate general and specific combining ability as well as reciprocal effect at two locations (Gemmeiza and Sids Research Stations, ARC) during 1998 summer season. Days to 50 % silking, plant height, ear position and grain yield were significantly differed among genotypes (F1 crosses and their reciprocals) and between locations. The interactions between locations and hybrids were highly significant for only days to 50% silking. The obtained data showed that the GCA/SCA ratio for all traits was greater than unity, at both locations and combined, indicating that the additive effects play an important role in the inheritance of these traits. The results revealed that the interaction variance for GCA x locations was higher than SCA x locations interaction for all traits except ear position for which SCA x locations showed the reverse. Reciprocal mean square was highly significant for days to 50% silking and grain yield at Gemmeiza and combined. It was significant for plant height and grain yield at Sids. The interaction effect of reciprocal with locations was significant in case of number of days to 50% silking. This indicates that there are a very small amount of maternal effects in all studied F1 crosses.