This experiment was carried out during the two successive Summer seasons of 1996 and 1997 on cowpea cv. "Cream 7" plants at Shandaweel Agriculture Research Station, Sohag Governorate, Egypt. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of inoculation with Bradyrhizobium sp and VA-mycorrhizae as well as four rates of nitrogen fertilizer, i.e., the recommended dose (30kg N/fed), three fourth, one half and one fourth of the recommended dose on the fresh yield, dry seed yield and quality of cowpea. Also, the possibility of reducing rate of chemical N fertilizer needed for cowpea plants was an important aim in order to reduce production cost and reducing the environmental pollution.
The obtained results indicated that the inoculation of cowpea plants cv. "Cream 7" with the dual inocula of Bradyrhizobium sp., plus VA-mycorrhizae combined with 15.0 kg/N fed. (one half the recommended rate of chemical N fertilizer) gave the highest values for all studied traits i.e. plant height “cm", number of branches/plant, total fresh pods yield (ton/fed.), pod setting and filling percentage, dry seed yield (ton/fed.), average weight of 100 seeds :g" , shellout percentage, percentage of protein, phosphorus and potassium in plants, and percentage of protein, phosphorus, potassium in the dry seeds. Therefore, the use of combined inocula as biofertilizers may replace the application of 15.0 kg N/fed.