Two field experiments were conducted at Hada Al-Sham Agricultural Experimental Station, King Abdulaziz University during the two sowing dates (Fall, 1994 and Spring, 1995) to study the effect of soil solarization (mulching field soil with clear plastic) and soil amendment with chicken manure, at the rate of 0, 10, 20 and 40 t/ha, on total dry matter accumulation and its parts (leaf, stem, ear, and tassel) as well as nitrogen content in the different plant parts and nitrogen uptake by corn plants during three plant growth stages (vegetative, milky and maturation) of hybrid corn plant (AGA seed 215 cultivar). Soil solarization for six weeks during the Summer 1994, was proceeded the two sowing dates of corn plantation. Results of the study indicated that the effect of sowing date was highly significant on some parameters. The first sowing date (Fall) has higher values than the second sowing date (Spring) on the following parameters: dry matter production and its parts (stem, ear and tassel), plant height, leaf area, plant and stem nitrogen content and nitrogen uptake. Total dry matter and its parts (leaf, stem and ear), leaf area, plant height and nitrogen uptake were increased with the advancement of the plant growth. However, plant nitrogen content and its parts and tassel dry matter were decreased with the advancement of the plant growth. Total dry matter, plant height, tassel nitrogen content and nitrogen uptake were higher in solarized than non-solarized soil. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between dry matter of plant parts, leaf area and plant nitrogen content and its parts (leaf, stem and ear) due to soil solarization. There were no significant differences between all studied parameters due to chicken manure treatments except for tassel nitrogen content. It was increased with the increase of the rates of chicken manure.