The present work was conducted to study the relative potentiality for some sugar cane promising varieties. Three field experiments were conducted in three successive seasons 1996/97, 1997/98 and 1998/99 at Mallawi Research Station (El-Minia governorate) to evaluate some of the promising sugar cane varieties for yield and quality of plant cane and its ratoon. These varieties were G.T.54-9, G.85-37, G.75-368, G.74-84, G.74-96, and G.68-88. At harvest a sample of 30 stalks was taken at random to determine stalk length, stalk diameter, number of the internodes/plant, juice extraction percentage, TSS percentage, sucrose percentage, glucose percentage, biological cane yield, net cane yield and apparent purity percentage. Simple statistical analysis of complete randomized block design was done. In addition to, factor analysis, stepwise multiple linear regression analysis and simple correlation coefficients were computed among characters studied. An increase in the average performance of all characters studied was observed in Exp.1 (plant cane) compared to the other two experiments except for T.S.S. %, sucrose %, glucose %, and purity %.Highly significant positive correlation was found between yield /fed and internod number for Exp. 1, stalk diameter for Exp. 2 (first ratoon) and Exp.3 (second ratoon). The association between yield and internod number was highly positively significant for Exp.2, but it was highly negative correlation for sucrose % for Exp. 2. Other association among the different characters is also show in Table 2. The factor analysis technique divided the eight characters in the three experiments into three main factors in Exp. 1, three main factors in Exp. 2 and two main factors in Exp. 3, which accounted for 100% of the total variability in the dependence structure of the three experiments. In comparing the factor analysis in the three experiments we concluded that the three experiments here have the same variables in factor A, same variables in factor B, except for T.S.S % and sucrose %. Factor C has the same variables in Exp. 1 and 2 except for stalk length and purity %. Therefore, we could suggest that factor A and factor B was have the same variables in the three experiments. These factors were the most important factors affecting yield/fed in sugar cane. Concerning, variety effect on growth criteria and yield and its component of sugarcane, the results cleared that stalk length, TSS %, sucrose %, purity %, juice extraction %, biological and cane yield significantly affected by the used varieties, whereas stalk diameter and number of internodes/plants were not differed by the examined varieties.