Two field experiments were conducted during 1999/2000 and 2000/2001at modern Abo-Zaid Farm in Sadat City, El-Monofia Governorate. A split-split plot design in strip form was used in 4 replications. This experiments aimed to study the effect of a) preceding crops; potato-fallow and wheat-fallow, on wheat productivity, b) different tillage systems, i.e. no tillage, sub tiller, disk harrow, chisel plough followed by rotary, disk plough and chisel plough, it gave depth 0, 30, 25, 25, 25, and 20 cm, respectively. c) weed control; unweeding, hand weeding and chemical treatment with Brominal (3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxy benzoitrile) at one liter/fed, under gun irrigation system in newly reclaimed calcareous soils.
The results indicated that soil after potato-fallow contain higher content of N, P, K and organic matter. However, pH and E.C. were lower comparing to the contents of wheat-fallow. Also grain yield/fed increased significantly after potato-fallow with average 15.18% and decreased significantly fresh weight of weeds with average 31.41% comparing to after wheat-fallow.
The chisel plough followed by rotary tiller proved to be the suitable tillage system of seed-bed preparation for wheat, it gave highest yield and lowest fresh weight of weeds with average 19.59 and 33.71%, respectively comparing to no tillage.
Chemical treatment with Brominal one liter/fed gave the highest grain yield and lowest fresh weight of weeds with average 17.6 and 47.28%, respectively comparing to unweeding treatments.
Finally the recommendations from this study to obtained high grain yield of wheat under the conditions of this calcareous soil as following:
1- Preferable the preceding crop is its high fertilizer requirement specially manure, and machinery harvesting, as the digger for tuber crops.
2- The chisel plough followed by rotary tiller proved to be suitable tillage system of seed-bed preparation for maximum grain yield of wheat planting with seed-drill with low power requirements.
3- For good weed control, the chemical treatment with one liter/fed Brominal gave good results than the other treatments.