The present investigation was carried out during three successive years (1999- 2001), in order to study the effect of the cytokinin (Kin) to auxin (NAA) ratio in culture medium (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) as well as the explant type on the direct organogenesis in date palm cv. “Zaghloul" cultures.
The main results can be summarized in the following points:
1- Shoot tip explant proved to be the best in terms of budding percentage and number of developed buds per explant as compared with the leaf primordia explant.
2- Using the MS medium supplemented with 10.0 mg1-1 Kin + 1.0 mg1-1 NAA, the budding percentage was significantly the highest (100 % in shoot tip explant and 87.5% in leaf primordia explant). Also, average number of developed buds per explant was significantly the highest (2.12 per shoot tip explant and 1.25 per leaf primordia explant).
3- Shoot multiplication, average number of proliferated shoots per axillary bud explant and average length of proliferated shoot were superior, during four successive subcultures.
4- The 1st , 2nd , 3rd and 4th subculutres, averaged number and length of proliferated shoots per axillary bud explant was significantly the highest such number was 3.5, 4.0, 4.0 and 4.62 and average length of proliferated shoot was (4.83 cm, 5.62 cm, 6.25 cm and 6.52 cm, respectively).