Two field experiments were carried out during the two growing seasons of
1998/99 and 1999(2000 under the environmental conditions of Nobaria district. north
E9ypt to study the effect of new liquid fertilizer (51)' nitrogen levels (20, 40 and 60 kg
N/fed) and phosphorus levels «0, 20, 40 and 60 kg P20s/fed) , as well as their
interaction effects on growth, yield and yield components of broad bean cv. Giza
The main results could b summarized as follows:
Broad bean plants sprayed with 51 solution gave superiority of all studied
parameters, such as plant height, number of branches 1 plant, number of pods 1 plant,
seed yieldlfed, and seed protein content. While, number of leaves/plant did not
significantly affect. Moreover. N at 60 kglfed was the most effective treatment as for
all vegetative growth characters, seed yield or yield components. Likewise, P level up
to 40 kg/fed had positive effect on In that respect. Further increase In phosphorus
levels up to 60 kg P20s/fed showed better effect in all studied characters, but the
differences were not significant. Almost interaction treatments gave a significant effect·
on seed yield In both years of study. However there were different responses to
interaction treatments as for vegetative growth and yield components.
In general, it could be concluded that treated broad bean plants with soil
application of suitable and economical level of nitrogen and phosphorus (60 and 40
kglfed, respectively) besides spraying 51 solution three times Is very useful for
increasing total yield and improving its quality.