This study was carried out during 1998/99 and 199912000 at EI-Serw region
in Northen Faraskour district Damitta Governorate to investigate the effect of planting
dates, nitrogen levels and biofertilizatiopn treatments as well as their interaction on
growth of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris, L.) variety Top. The main finding obtained from
this investigation could be follows:
- Root fresh and dry weights, foliage fresh and dry weight and leaf area index (at 120
and 150 days from planting), crop growth rate, relative growth rate and net
assimilation rate had significant effect by planting dates in both seasons. The
highest values for growth characters were obtained by planting beet on 15th of
- Raising nitrogen fertilizer levels from 0 to 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg Nlfad significantly
improved all growth characters (root fresh and dry weight, foliage fresh and dry
weight, LAI, CGR, RGR and NAR) at the two samples in both seasons. Increasing
nitrogen fertilizer levels up to 80 kg NJfad resulted in the highest means of all
growth measurement as previously mentioned. Vice versa. sugar beet plants
growing without nitrogen fertilization (control treatment) were induced the lowest
ones of two samples in both seasons .
• The obtained results obvious that. root fresh and dry weights. foliage fresh and dry
weights. LAI, CGR. RGR and NAR in both samples and seasons had a significant
effect by biofertilization treatments and the results showed that the highest
measurements were achieved from treating beet seeds with Rhizobacterin.
·The interaction between planting dates and nitrogen levels had significant on root
fresh and dry weights. foliage fresh and dry weights and leaf area index. The
interaction between planting dates and biofertilization treatments had significant
effect on fresh and dry weights of foliage fresh and dry weight (at 120 and 150
days from planting) and leaf area index.