Four mutants (two early flowering and two heavy branching/high yield) obtained
from Egyptian lupine cv.Giza 2 after treating seeds with either ethyl methane
sulphonate (EMS) or sodium azide (SA), Hassan (1991 and 1998) in a mutation
breeding programme conducted at the Agricultural Experiments and Researches
Station, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Cairo, Giza, Egypt since 1987. In M7-
generation, these mutants were evaluated for alkaloid and fatty acid composition of
the oil.
GLC analysis proved the presence of six alkaloids in lupine seeds under
investigation. Lupanine represents the major component (56.32-63.34%) in all
investigated seeds followed by 13&-hydroxylupanine (12.40-17.32%) then by
multiflorine (8.64-13.74). Whereas, albine (3.38-9.02), angustifoline (4.09-6.75%) and
11,12-Seco-12,13-didehydromultiflorine (2.59-5.93%) represent the minor
components. It is noted that the increase in total alkaloid content, which was observed
in seeds of the heavy branching/high yield (G2 EMS HS/HY6), early flowering (G2
EMS EF1) ana early flowering (G2 SA EF2) mutants, was reflected in increased
concentration of individual components. Likewise, the reduction in total alkaloid
content, which was observed in the heavy branching/high yield (G2 SA HS/HY3), was
reflected in reduced concentration of individual components. On the other hand, GLC
analysis proved the presence of seven fatty acids beside two unknowns in lupine
seeds under investigation. The higher relative concentration was for fatty acid C18:1
(39.6-47.9%) in all investigated seeds, followed by C18:2 (21.4-24.8%), while C16:0
and C18:3 reached (16.6-18.2%) and (8.3-12.4%); respectively. The other fatty acids,
C18:0, C20:0, C22:0, unknown1 and unknown 2 were present in lesser amounts in all
investigated seeds ranged from traces to 2.2%. It is noted that the increase in total
fatty acids content, which was observed in seeds of the heavy branching/high yield
and early flowering mutants, reflected in increased concentration of individual