This investigation was conducted at Ismaitrcrcmd Abo-Simbie Research
Stations during 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 growing seasons to study the behaviour of
nineteen local collected genotypes and three introduced varieties compared with the
two commercial varieties (Giza-1 and Giza-2) under newly reclaimed land conditions.
In addition to study the relative contributing of yield factors of white lupin. Genotypes
were planted in a randomized complete block design with three replications.
Results revealed significant differences among genotypes for all studied
characters. The introduced sweet determinates Kiev Mutant and Piscevoj were the
earliest.genotypes in number of days needed to flower and mature, but they exhibited
the lowest values of seed yield at both locations. The local genotypes Belbies-9 and
Family-9 were most promising for productivity and out yielded the recommended
check variety Giza-1 by 22.86 and 13.88%, respectively, at Ismailia. Meantime, the
local genotypes Ismailia-2 and Algeerb-2 were the most promising ones and yielded
33.78 and 32.28%, respeCtively, more than the recommended check variety Giza-2 at
Abo-Simble. Moreover, tlie introduced bitter indeterminate Dijon-2 which retained its
potentiality over the two different environmental conditions was superior in seed yield
and represented remarkable increases of 20.88 and 38.79% over the recommended
check variety Giza-1 at Ismailia and Giza-2 at Abo-Simble, respectively. Kiev Mutant
and Piscevoj gave the lowest percentage of seed alkaloid, while Gerga-2 and Dijon-2
contained the highest seed alkaloid percentage.
Highly significant and positive correlation was recorded between seed
yield/plant and each of days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number
of branches/plant, number of pods/plant and number of seeds/pod at both Ismailia
and Abo-Simble. Meanwhile, 1 ~O-seed weight and alkaloid% were Significant positive
correlation with seed yieldlplant at Ismailia. Plant height, number of pods/plant,
number of seeds/pod and 1 ~O-seed weight were the most important contributing
factors to seed yield at Ismailia (R2 = 84.4%). At Abo-Simble, number of pods/plant,
100-seed weight, number of seeds/pod and days to maturity were accepted variables
as significant contributors to the variability of the seed yield/plant (R2 = 70.3%).
According to path analysis, number of pods/plant, plant height and number of
seeds/pod had the greatest direct effects towards seed yield at Ismailia. While, at
Abo-Simble, number of pods/plant, 1 Ou-seec weight and number of seeds/pod
proved to have the highest direct contribution to seed yield. Whereas, days to
maturity showed positive indirect contribution towards seed yield variation, at both location.