This study was carried out in 1999 and 2000 seasons on 'Le Conte' pear
(Pyrus communis. L,) fruits, Fruits were harvested during August in each season at
three different stages, The three harvest stages included one stage at the optimal
commercial Fresh market flavour development (second stage), one stage earlier than
optimal (first slage), and one stage later than optimal (third stage), Fruits were stored
at 2, 4, or 8 ·C and 80 - 85 % RH and sampled at harvest (zero time) and at 10-day
intervals up to 90 days for fruits stored at 2 or 4 ·C and to 30 days for fruits stored al8
'C. The objective of the study was to identify the effect of harvest stages, storage
temperatures, and storage durations on slorability and quality of 'Le Conte' pear frurts
Colour tests indicated that fruits of the second and third harvest stages were
more advanced In matunty than those of the first harvest stage,
No differences were noticed in fruit firmness between the first and second
harvest stages while fruit firmness of third harvest stage was significantly lower than
the other stages.
The highest weight loss was obtained from fruits of the second harvest st~ge in
the first season while the lowest weight loss was obtained from the third harvest stage
fruits in the Iwo seasons.
Dry weight, soluble solids content (SSC), total phenolic aclds and reducing
suqars of the third harvest stage fruits were higher than the ether harvest stages fruit.
However, acidity of the first harvest stage fruits was higher than the fruits of the other
Firmness was the highest in fruits stored at 2 ·C while Fruits stored at 8 ·C
showed the lowest values during the two seasons Weight loss, sse, and lotal
phenolic acids corresponded with tile increase in storage temperature while reducing
sugars were higher in fruit stored at 2°C than those stored at aoc, Acidity and dry
weight seemed to be the highest in fruits stored at a ·C in the first season and fruits
stored at 2 ·C in the second one,
In both seasons firmness decreased during storage while weight loss, soluble
solids content, total phenols and reducing sugars increased Significantly for fruits
stored for 30 or 90 days, Dry weight of fruits did not change significanlly during
storage up to 70 days then Increased significantly up to 90 days in the flrst season In
the second season dry weight increased significantly after 40 days of sloraqe up to 90
days. Acidity decreased siqruflcantlv in the first season after 70 days of storage In
Ihe second season. acidity increased Significantly after 30 days of slorage up to 80
days of storage then decreased thereafter. The second harvest stage (SSC = 11.72
to 12.24%, firmness = 36,0 to 390 N, and starch index = 4 to 5) could be
recommended as the be,sl harvest slage for 'Le Conte' pear fruits. 'Le Conte pear
frulls could be stored at 2 C for 70 days with good Quality