Two field experiments were performed in Ras Suder to investigate the effect of
GA3 at concentrations of 50 , 100 and 150 mg.l L, 1M at cone, of 25 , 50 and 75
mg./ Land Uniconazole at conc. of 5, 10 and 15 mg.l L. Also to study the effect of
biofertelizers ( Azotobacters and Azospirilla) in addition to control treatment on growth
, yield ,K and Na content of Balady and Ice Berg cultivars of lettuce. Seedlings were
dipped in treatments before transplanting.
Obtained results revealed that Ice Berg cultivar surpassed than Balady cultivar
in number of leaves and minerals composition. While Bafady cultivar enhanced than
Ice Berg in plant height, the percentage of humidity, plant weight and the yield of
lettuce per feddan.
The application of 1M or uniconazole !eatments at low concentrations or
Azotobacter on lettuce plants show significanlly the highest no. of leaves per plant,
plant weight as well as yield of lettuce per feddan.
While the highest plants produced with GA3 treatment with concentration of
150 mg.l L. On the other hand uniconazole or Azotobacter treatments show the high
percent of humidity in lettuce .
Na content decreased with increasing GA3 and uniconazole concentrations,
also the low concentration of 1M or biofertilizer treatments decreased Na content in
lettuce. . The content of K in lettuce plants increased with increasing GA3 and
. uniconazole concentrations, while K increased in plants with low concentration of 1M.
'Also biofertilizers application increased K content in lettuce plants.