Two experiments were conducted in (2000/2001 and 200112002) to
investigate the effect of irrigation periods on growth and yield of cucumber and soil
properties. The cucumber plants were planted in sandy soil under greenhouse
conditions. for. two seasons. The measured parameters to evaluate the difference
responses of the cucumber to seven irrigation period treatments were plant height.
number of leaves/plant; dry/fresh weight (%) per plant; leaf area; root length, dry/fresh
weight (%) per root, early yield. total yield; dry/fresh weight (%) per fruit. shape index
and the leaves contents of nitrogen. phosphorus and potassium. The results showed
that there were significant differences in the vegetative and root growth. yield and
yield components. soil humidity (%), and soil properties. The 15 min irrigation period
(3 liters/day) with drip irrigation system gave better results for plant height. number of
leaves/plant, leaf area. dry/fresh weight % /plant. dry / fresh weight (%) per root. early
yield. total yield. dry/fresh weight (%) per fruit; N%. K% and P content in the soil. than
the other treatments while root length gave highest value with 5 min irrigation
period. (I liter daily); 10 min irrigation period treatment (2 liters/day) gave the best
results for shape index. This suggested that the 15 min irrigation period (3 liter/daily is
best water quantity for enhanced cucumber production and save about 50% water
quantity, compared with water common quantity used (30 liters/day/plant) by using
surface or drip irrigation (450 liters/planVseason) under the greenhouse conditions of
AI-Hassa Oasis. K.S.A.