This study was carried out in two successive seasons of 1999 and 2000 at
the Experimental Fann of Vegetable Research Department, Ministry of Agriculture.
The effect of ascorbic acid, ethrel and their combinations on the vegetative growth,
yield and endogenous honnones of the monoecious cucumber cv. Beit Alpha, were
studied. Ethephon Inhibited growth and Induced earliness of producing female flowers.
Ascorbic acid caused significant inaease of stem length and fresh weight, but has no
effect on the earliness of flowering, while the combinations of ascorbic acid with ethrel
gave earliness of flowering and yield. On the other hand, ascorbic acid has no etreet on the early yield (number and weight of fruits), while the combined with ettlrel gave Increase in the early and total yield.These results were accompanied with regular increase in the contents and levels of promoterS [Auxins (1M and IAN) and (GA·like substances)] and decrease in the contents and activity of inhibitors [abscisic acid (ABA)] leading to hormonal balance.