Two field experiments were conducted at the experimental Farm of National
Research Centre at Nobarya during 1995 and 1996 seasons to study the effects of
weed control treatments and foliar fertilization (stimufol) on the associated weeds,
plant growth, yield and its components of soybean plants, in addition to chemical
composition of soybean seeds. All herbicidal treatments, as well as, hand hoeing
showed significant improvements in yield and its components. Superiority of hand
hoeing treatment significantly surpassed as yield of soybean and its components was
concerned. Hand hoeing and pendimethalin were significantly decreased the total
weeds grown in soybean field followed by fluazifop-butyl, oxyflurfen and bentazone
than that of unweeded control.
Hand hoeing and pendimethalin treatments were recorded the highest values
of chlorophyll (a), carotenoids, total carbohydrate and slight increase in crude protein.
Hand hoeing and pendimethalin treatments gave highest N,P,K and Zn, Cu
and Mn in seeds with significant differences between them.
Foliar application of stimufol (400 g/fed) decreased significantly the total
weeds grown in soybean field, and increased significantly photosynthetic pigments in
leaves at 75 days old, total carbohydrate and protein content in seeds of soybean
treated plants. Whereas oil content of seeds decreased due to foliar fertilization.