Two field experiments were conducted at “Ali Mobarak" experimental research station, El-Bostan region, during 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 winter growing seasons, to determine the influence of water quantity, NPK rates and biofertilizer inoculations on the broccoli yield, quality and water utilization efficiency of some broccoli cultivars.
Results showed that there were significant differences between the 75% and 100% E pan on plant vegetative growth characters, primary and secondary curds yield and its components, except those of secondary curds yield and NPK and vitamin C contents in different plant parts. Increasing water quantity was increased the most vegetative characters and primary curd diameter. Also, enhanced N contents in curds, stems and leaves and decreased plant dry weight percent, P, K and vitamin C in curds, stem and leaves of broccoli plant in both seasons.
Significant differences were obtained among Green Comet, Premium Crop and Pinnacle cultivars in all vegetative growth characteristics, primary and secondary curds yield and its components, N, P, K and vitamin C contents in different plant parts. Pinnacle cultivar, in general, recorded higher mean values in the most vegetative characters. While, Premium Crop cultivar gave significantly higher mean values of plant dry weight percent, primary and secondary average curd weight and total curds yield per feddan. Also, recorded higher means values of N,P, and K and vitamin C contents in curds, stems and leaves, except potassium contents in stem tissues.
Application the of half recommended doses of NPK used by broccoli growres through irrigation water gave higher values of vegetative growth, average primary curd weight, primary and secondary curd diameter, number of secondary curds per plant and total primary, secondary and total curds yield / feddan. And reflected significant and positive effects on N, P, K and vitamin C contents in different broccoli plant parts. While, the differences did not reach the significant level for phosphorus and potassium contents in the curds of broccoli plants.
Application of N2-fixing bacteria mixture gave higher and significant increases for all studied characters in both seasons. N2-fixing bacteria mixture increased average primary curd weight by 56.5 and 96.1 %, average secondary curd weight by 57.1 and 60.1, number of secondary curds by 40.6 and 42.4 primary curds yield by 56.6 and 60.8%, secondary curds yield by 122.4 and 129.1 and total curds yield per feddan by 82.6 and 85.7 compared with those of control in the tow growing seasons, respectively.
Interaction among water quantities, cultivars, NPK rates and biofertilizer treatments had significant effects on all vegetative growth characters, primary and secondary curds yield and its components, NPK and vitamin C in curds, stems and leaves of different broccoli parts in both growing seasons. The maximum mean values of plant fresh weight, primary and secondary broccoli curds yield and its components and N concentrations in curds, stems and leaves were recorded with Premium Crop cultivar under higher water quantity 100% E pan, recommended dose of NPK rate and N2-fixing bacteria in both growing seasons.
The monthly amounts of irrigation water applied to broccoli plants varied from 58.8 to 516.6 m3 / fed-1 in the first growing season and from 41.0 to 520.4 m3 / fed-1 in the second growing season. The seasonal amounts of applied irrigation water were 1512.0 and 1134.0 m3 / fed-1 for the 100 and 75 % Et pan treatments in the first season, and were1667.0 and 1250.4 m3 / fed-1 for the same previous treatments, in the second season.
Water utilization efficiency values ranged from3.22 to 8.88 kg fresh curds yield /m3 of irrigation water in the first season, and from 2.62 to 7.20 kg fresh curds yield /m3 of irrigation water in the second season. The highest value of water utilization efficiency obtained by Premium Crop cultivar received 75% E pan, ½ NPK and inoculated with N2–fixing bacteria.