This experiment consists of twenty four treatments, resulted from the combination of two cantaloupe cultivars (Vicar and Total) X four hot water dipping treatments [untreated (control), 50oC for 2 min., 55oC for 1 min and 60oC for 30 s) X three wrapping treatments unwrapping (control); wrapping with PVC and wrapping with stretch fruits. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of variety, hot water treatments and over wrapping on storability. Results were recorded on changes in physical and chemical properties in fruits during storage i.e. weight loss, decay, firmness, T.S.S., and total sugar contents.
The main results can be summarized as follow:
1- Vicar cv. exhibited the least in weight loss and decay percent compared with Total cultivar.
2- Vicar cv. showed the highest firmness value than Total cv.
3- There were significant increases in weight loss and decay percent during storage period. Moreover, the rate of decrement in firmness was much higher with prolongation the storage period.
4- In relation to T.S.S. and total sugar contents, Vicar cv. showed the highest values compared with Total in both years. However, Total fruits were significantly lower in T.S.S. percentage and total sugar contents.
5- There were no significant differences was observed in weight loss %, T.S.S. % and total sugar content within most of the hot water treatments.
6- Significant difference was observed with decay incidence; the fruit at 55oC for about 1 min significantly reduce incidence, compared with control and the other treatments.
7- Fruit that were dipped at 55oC for about 1 min or 60oC for about 30 s were significantly firmer than other treatments.
8- Over wrapping fruits with PVC or stretch films had the lowest values of weight loss and decay percent as compared with unwrapped fruits (control), these results also indicated that there was significant increment in the rate of wrapping fruits firmness compared with those unwrapped ones. Moreover, T.S.S. % and total sugar contents were not significantly affected by any wrapping treatments under cold storage conditions.