Two field experiments were carried out at the Experimental Farm of National
Research Centre, at Shalakan, Kalubia, Governorate, Egypt, during 1997/1998 and
1998/1999 seasons to study weed growth, nutrient uptake, yield and yield
components of faba bean under herbicidal weed control efficiency. In general,
increasing the dose of herbicides used reduced the dry weiqht of annual weeds.
Bentazon at 0.240 kg or 0.360 kg/fed post-emergence and hand hoeing treatment
gave the best control of annual broad-leaved weeds. Whereas, Fluazifop-butyl at
0.500 kg or 0.750 kg/fed post-emergence as well as hand hoeing treatment gave the
best control of annual grass weeds. The best treatments were hand hoeing twice (4
and 6 WAS), fluazifop-butyl at 0.750 kg/fed or bentazon at 0.360 kg/fed applied post-
emergence. These treatments showed higher weed control efficiency, lower NPK
depletion by annual weeds, higher NPK uptake by crop plants and increasing the
plant height, number of pods per plant, 100-seed weight, seed and straw yields per
feddan, when compared with the other treatments and unweeded control. While,
combination of bentazon at 0.240 kg + fluazifop-butyl at 0.500 kg/fed applied post-
emergence come in the second rank.
It can be concluded that addition of fluazifop-butyl at 0.750 kg/fed or bentazon at 0.36
kg/fed (at 3-4 leaf stage of growth) as herbicides was the recommended treatment for
obtaining the highest seed and straw yields from faba bean cultivar Giza 716 under
the environmental conditions of the present study.