The present investigation was carried out at Sakha Agricultural Research Station, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt during the two successive seasons 1998/99 and 1999/2000 seasons to study the response of seven sugar beet cultivars to number of foliar application with mixture of microelements. The seven cultivars were lola, Toro, Farida, Pleno, Oscar poly, Nejma and Betapoly. The mixture of the studied microelements consists of Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, B and Mo. The plants spraied with the mixture of microelements once at 50 days from planting and twice at 50 and 65 days from planting. Cutlivars exhibited significantly differences in dry matter (g/plant), root yield, and sugar yield, in favour Toro and Farida cultivars combared with the cultivar Lola in both seasons. Foliar spraying twice with the mixture of microelements significantly increased root length and diameter, dry matter, root yield, Top yields, TSS %, sucrose percentage, sugar yield. On the other hand, repeating foliar spraying with of microelements signifiantly decreased root /top ratio in both seasons.
Foliar application with the mixture of microelements twice at 50 and 65 days from planting significantly increased root length and diameter, dry matter, root and top yields/fed, TSS%, sucrose percentage and sugar yield/fed. than spraying the mixture once at 50 days from planting or with water. On the other hand, raising the number of spraying with the mixture of microelements from zero to twice decrease root/top ratio in both seasons.
So, we can concluded that foliar application of the mixture of micronutrients twice, at 50 and 65 days from sowing for cultivars Toro and Farida gave the highest results from sugar root and sugar yields/fed.