This study was conducted on eight netted cantaloupe varieties (Primal, Ideal,
Rafigal, Vicar, Galor, Croso, and Total) to investigate the effect of variety and
antitranspirant (calcium lactate) treatments during cold storage.
All physical properties, i.e. weight loss %, decay % and firmness, and
chemical composition, i.e. TSS, total sugars, and vit. C of fruits were tested.
Stored fruits showed great losses in weight percent, which coincided with high
incidence of decay percent during storage. The period of storage had a pronounced
effect, since the loss were increased as the storage period was prolonged. On the
other hand, the flesh fruits after harvested had the highest firmness values, which
significantly reduce as storage period proceeded. Moreover, Total and Croso vrs. lost
higher proportion weight and decay percent but less firm than the other varieties
under test during storage. Fruits treated with calcium lactate as antitranspirant
exhibited not only lower in weight loss and decay percent but also higher firmness
compared with untreated.
All chemical composition in fruits were significantly decreased with
prolongation of storage period. Vicar and Ideal vrs. generally appeared to be higher in
TSS, total sugars and vitamin C content than the other varieties.
Maximum TSS and total sugars values were observed, generally, in treated
fruits in all varieties. Whereas, there were no significant effect on ascorbic acid
content in treated or. untreated fruits in all varieties under test.