This study was conducted during 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 seasons to
investigate fruit chemical characteristics and their heterosis and fingerprinting of the
new obtained strawberry hybrids from the specific hybridization between the two
octaploid species Fragaria chi/oensis and Fragaria virginiana. Twelve new obtained
strawberry hybrids and their parents were evaluated according to chemical
characters tics of fruits. viz .. total soluble solids. total acidity, ascorbic acid contents
and their heterosis. Protein fingerprinting for the hybrids and parents was also carried
out. Results showed that most of the produced hybrids had the highest values of
TSS o,vith no significant differences between each other. Most of the hybrids showed
positive heterosis for TSS content over the best parent. Concerning titratable acidity.
the highest value of heterosis was exhibited in 89, 85 hybrids and 96. Most of hybrid
showed negative heterosis while A4 had no heterosis for TA trait in the two seasons.
A2 and 811 hybrids had the highest values of TSSrrA ratio as compared with all
hybrids as well as their parents. A2 and 811 had the highest values of heterosis for
TSSrrA ratio a nd a II hybrid showed positive heterosis.A2 and A3 hybrids recorded
significant increment in ascorbic acid content as compared with all hybrids. All hybrids
showed negative heterosis compared to the b est parent in the two seasons. SDS-
PAGE of protein was successfully u sed for both identification and differentiation of
strawberry genotypes.
The study conclude that twelve promising hybrids were obtained from
reconstitution of Fragaria X ananassa from the specific hybridization between Fragaria
chiloensis and Fragaria virginiana. Such hybrids are very important for further
breeding programs