Two field trials were conducted at Sakha Research Station during the two
successive seasons of 2000 I 2001 and 2001 I 2002 to study the influence of
transplanting by uSing paper pots at 4 • leaf stage in addition to control ( direct seed
bed ). And three harvesting dates 180. 195 and 210 days after sowing on yield and
quality of sugar beet variety Gloria. The main results could be summarized as follows:
Root dimension ( length and diameter) significantly increased by direct seed sowing.
Highest root length and root weight I plant were obtained in both seasons. when seeds
were sowing directly compared with transplanting seedling at 4 • leaf stage which
recorded the lowest root length. On the other hand the sugar beet plants recorded the
biggest value of root diameter in the first season when seeds was sown directly in the
permanent field while in the second season transplanted one obtained the highest .
value. In addition, transplanting seedling at 4 - leaf stage significantly increased top
weight I plant, root and sugar yield I fed, reducing sugar percentage, branched root
percentage ,T.S.S .. sucrose and juice purity percentages in both seasons. .
Results indicated that harvesting dates were significantly affected root length, .
root diameter. root weight I plant, top weight I plant. root and sugar yield I fed, reducing .
sugar. branched root, T.S.S., sucrose and juice purity percentages in both seasons.
Highest root length. root diameter. root weight I plant. root and sugar yield I fed.
reducing sugar percentage. branched root percentage as well as T.S.S .. sucrose,
purity percentages were produced from treatments that harvested after 210 days from
sowing in both seasons. While. highest top weight I plant produced from harvesting
sugar beet after 180 days from sowing in both seasons.
Transplanting of sugar beet significantly effected juice impurities which
expressed as Na , K and alpha amino· N. where it recorded the highest value ot.Na
and K in the two seasons , while it recorded the lowest value of alpha amino· N
conipared with the direct sown plants Sugar loss to molasses and recoverable sugar
percentages significantly increased in transplanting plants.
The interaction between plariting system and harvesting dates had a significant
effect on all studied traials In the both seasons. Maximum root and sugar yields and
percentages of reducing soluble sugars, branched roots. T. S. S.: sucrose. juice purity
and juice impurities were produced from transplanting plants at 4 - leaf stage and
harvesting it after 210 days. While. highest values of root dimension ( length and
diameter) were produced from sown with direct seed 'and harvesting plants after 210
days from sowing in the two seasons.