Four experiments were carried out with two intervarietal crosses:
1 ( Beni Sweif 1 x Line 13)
2 (Sohag x Line 21)
3 (Line 9 x Line 14)
4( Line 10 x Line 21. Six populations of each cross were used in this investigation).
Significant positive heterotic effects were obtained for plant height, number of number of spikelets /spike, spike grain weight,1000-grain weight and grain yield/plant in the first cross; for plant height, number of grains/ spike, spike grain weight and 1000 – grain weight in the third cross; for spikes/plant and spike length in the second cross. However, significant negative heterotic effects were found for spike grain weight, 1000 – grain weight and grain yield / plant in the second cross; for spike length and number of spikelets /spike and grain yield / plant in the third cross; for number of spikes/ plant, number of spikelets/spike, number of grains/ spike, spike grain weight, 1000- grain weight and grain yield/ plant in the fourth cross. Hetevolic increase in number of spikelets/spike grain weight and 1000 – grain weight seemed to be accounted for the heterotic yield response observed in the first cross.
Inbreeding depression estimates were found to be significant for all the studied attributes except spike length and number of spikeletes/spike in the first and second crosses; for number of grains/ spike and 1000 – grain weight in the first cross; for plant height, spike length and number of grains/ spike in the third cross.
Over dominance to wards the higher parent for spike grain weight and 1000 – grain weight in the first and third crosses; for number of spikelets/ spike in the first cross and for number of grains/ spike in the third cross. However, over and partial dominance towards the lower parent was obtained for plant height, number of spikes/ plant and spike length in the first and third crosses; for spike grain weight and 1000 – grain weight in the second cross; for number of spikes/ plant, number of grains / spike and grain weight in the third cross. While, partial dominance was obtained for number of grains / spike and grain yield / plant in the first cross; for plant height, spike length, number of spikelets / spike, number of grains / spike and grain yield / plant in the second cross; for number . of spikelets / spike in the third cross and for plant height, number of spikelets / spike and 1000 – grain in the fourth cross. However, Complete dominance was found for number of spikes / plant in the second cross and for spike length and grain yield / plant in the fourth cross.
F2 deviation (E1) and back cross deviation were found to be signifcant for most of the attributes under investigation.
The additive gene effect were found to be significant for all traits in all cross except for plant height in the first cross and for spike length and number of spikelets / spike in the second cross. Suggesting the potential for obtaining further improvements of most characters studied. Both dominance and epistasis were found to be significant for most of the attributes under investigation.
High to moderate values of heritability estimates were found to be associated with high and moderate genetic advance as percentage of F2 mean in most traits investigated.