This investigation was carried out during two Su~ssive seasons (2002 and
2003) at the Hort. Res. lnst., Fruil handling department rapes were picked from a
private farm at Cairo-Alex desert road. To determine ma urity stage of Early Superior
table grapes, samples were taken at weekly mtervals begining from the second week
of May. At maturity stage. samples for storage studies were picked in the early
morning and directly transported to the laboratory 10 be examined and packed In
carton boxes (2kg I box) lined with perforated polyelhylene bags (luggage;, 40 Ii and
400 halls 1m3) and stored al room temp < /em>erature ( 27 ± 5 ) , SlC and olC and 90: 65 %
RH, for 18 • 70 end 70 days. respectively, The Early Superior table grape is
considered to be mature during the second week of JUly)(rreatmenl wilh dormancy
agent is necessary}XAlso total soluble solid contents must be more than 15 %. total
acidity contents less than 0.66 % and total soluble solid I total acidity rauo must be
more than 25. As physical properties are more affected by the agricultural practice, It
is nOI. always suitable for the determination of maturity stage for grapes. This study
also confirmed that, Early Superior table grapes are very sensitive to the high
temperature. The storage life of Early Superior table grape at room temperature did
no: exceed 12 deys even with S01 fumigation treatment. Fumigation with S02 is
necessary in order to keep quality of grapes during transport or storage especially
when these periods were expected 10 exceed 21 days either at 5 Ie or 0 !C
temperatures. This study also Indicated that grapes stored at 0 Ie had longer
storabifily compared with grapes stored at 5 !e especially in (he first season.
However, It is clear that, for short time storage or transport (less than 45 days), 5 IC
will be sufficient to keep grapes quality. 'Mlile, for long time storage or transport, 0 IC
will be necessary to keep grape quality. Therefore. in all previous cases, fumigation
with S02 Is necessary