This study was carried out at Kaha Farm 01 Horticultural Research Institute.
Kaluobia Governorate during the two successive winter seasons of 1998/1999 and
1999f2000. to study the effect of cutting frequency: i.e. without cutting. one cut and
two cuts and gibberellic acid at 0, 50 and 100 ppm. as well as their interCloClion on
growth parameter, photosynthetic pigments (Total chloropyn content), flowering
characteristics, seed yield and its components, in addition to germination characters
of Rocket cv, Balady. Obtained results could be summarized as follows:
1- Cutting frequency caused significant increases in number of leaves, number of
main branches, number of seed per pod, seed yield per fed. and seed index. On
the other hand, contra results were obtained by cutting frequency with leaf area,
chlorophyll content. and. seed-stalk. height. These lreatments delay~ flowering
and minimized significantly the number of days needed for germination while
germination percentage and seedling length of the produced seed were not
significantly affected by number of cuts. The maximum in increases in seed yield
were obtained by one cut treatment. Such InC/eases were 21.6 and 23.4%
comparing wUh the control in the first and second seasons. respedively.
2- Spraying plants with GAJ produced higher number of leaves/plant and chlorophyll
content of teaves. Similar trend of response was noliced concerniJ'lg leaf area,
number of main branches, seed yield and its components as well as seedling
length were signiflcanlly increased by these treatment comparing with the control.
On the other hand, GAJ reduced seed stalk height and favored early flowering but
had no significant effect on germination percentage and germination rate of the
produced seeds. The maximum increases in Seed yield was obtained by 100 ppm
GAJ treatment, the percentage increases were 27.2 and 33.9% comparing with the
control In the first and second season!'>, respectivety.
3- The interaction between cutting frequency and GAl treatments had no signffJcant
effect on growth parameters, chlorophyll content, flowering date and gennination
rate, while this effect was significant concerning seed-stalk height. number of
main branches. seed yield and its components and seedling length. of the
produced seeds:
It could be concluded that cutting roquette plants once interacting 'With spraying
Yrith 100 ppm GA~ was found to be Ihe best treatment for the production 01 high dry
seed yield, such trealmenl could be recommended.