This study was carried out at the Strawberry and Non-Traditional Crops
Research Station. Nobarla, Behaira Governorate during the two successive seasons
2000 I 2001 and 200112002. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of
cullivar. nursery ptanting system and nursery plant spacing on the subsequent
vegetative growth characters, yield and fruit quality of fresh strawberry plantations.
Results demonstrated that leaf area and root length increased significantly in
Camarosa as compared with Sweet Charlie cultivar. On the other hand, number of
roots Increased significantly in Sweet Chartie than Camarosa in the two tested
seasons. Results showed also that producing strawberry transplants on raised beds
increased significantly number of leaves/plant. leaf area. number of roots and root
length than those obtained from flat planting method. Significant increment in all
studied growth characters was observed with increosing nursery plant spacing 'In the
two seasons except number of leaves in the second season which was insignificant.
Transplant of Sweet Charlie produced on raised beds at the largest plant spacing
nursery showed sIgnificant increments in roots number. Moreover, those ofl
Comarosa on raised beds at the largest spacings showed the longest roots.
Significant increments were noticed in total yield and average fruit weight for
Camarosa cultivar as compared with those of Sweet Chartie. On the other hand,
Sweet Chartie reflected significant increase in early yield and TSS as compared with
Camarosa in the two tested seasons. Transplants produced from raised beds
reflected significant increments in earty and total yield and average fruit weight in both
tested seasons. The widest nursery spacing (2m) reflected significant enhancement
on early and total yield and. average fruit weight in the two growing seasons. Sweet
Charlie transplants that grown on raised beds in the widest nursery spacing gave the
highest early yield. Camaro&a transplants produced from raised bed showed the
greatest mean value 01 total yield and average fruit weight. Sweet Charlie produced
from flat or raised beds nurseries showed significantly higher TSS as compared with
Camarosa produced in either nat or raised beds. Results showed also that Sweet
Charlie transplants produced on nat or raised beds at all used spacings gave the
highest values of total and reducing sugars and ascorbic acid in the fruiting fields
while Camarosa planted on raised beds at all spacings showed the highest total
acidity in the fruits. The results confirmed the potential of intensive strawberry
transplant production on raised beds with the use of large mother planl spacing.