The present investigation was carried out during 2000 and 2001 growing
seasons In order to study the effect of sodium chloride and sodium carbonate
treatments on organic content of four grapevine cultivars (commonly used as
rootstocks) namely, Harmony, 1103 Paulsen, Oogridge and Thompson seedless.
The main results can be summarized In the following pOints:
A, Effect of salinity treatments
1· Total chlorophyll content signiflCSnlly decreased in the leaves with different sod um
chloride and sodium carbonate treatments as compared with the control in oth
2· Total phenols content significanlly decreased in the leaves with salinity treatments,
in the firsl season, while it increased in the second one.
3- Both 3000 ppm sodium chloride and 750 ppm sodium carbonate treatments
signiflCanUy decreased root total sugars than the other treatments.
4- Plants treated with 1500 ppm sodium carbonate had significantly higher root
reducing sugars than the other treatments, except the control.
5- In the first season, no significant differences among.the studied treatments ere
recorded with respect to leaf starch content. In the second season, 1500 ppm
sodium carbonate trealment significantly increased leaf starch content than the
other treatments, except Ihe cootrot, The plants treated with 750 ppm sodium
carbonate had Significantly higher root starch content than the other treatments.
6· No significant differences were found among the studied treatments with respect to
leaf C/N rano, in the first season. In the second season, 1500 ppm sodium
carbonate had significantly higher leaf ClN ratio than the other treatments. Sodium
carbonate treatments significantly increased root C/N ratio Ihan the control W ich
had significanUy higher value than sodium chloride treatments.
Effect of rootstocks
1· In both seasons, Thompson seedless had signifICantly higher leaf reducing sugars
and lower non - reducing sugars. However, lhe roots had higt'ler reducing sugars
and lower CIN rallo.
2· The leaves of Dogridge had Significantly low phenols in both seasons and reducing
sugars, in the second season. And their roots contained significantly tow total and
non - reducing sugars.
3- The leaves of Harmony contained significantly high non - reducing sugars. In the
meantime, their roots had significantly high phenols, tolal and non - redUCing
sugars, and low starch and total carbohydrates contents.
4- 1103 Pautsen leaves contained significantly high phenols content. whereas the
roots had high starch, lotat carbohydrates and CIN ratio and low phenols conlent,