The indoor alrspora in different locations and sites of the archive and library
of the GEBO building have been investigated as one year's collection using the agar
plate method. All the screened locations of the GEBO building vtet« highly polluted
air, and could be considered a main contamination source.
Among the alr-borne fungi isolates collected around the year were 50.4% of
Aspergillus, 18.4 % of Alternaria, 9.8 % of Rhizopus, 8.4 % of Fusarium, 5.5% of
Penicillium. 4.2% of Trichoderma. 3.1 % of Mucor and 1.8 % of unidentified fungi as
could be arranged depending on their occurrence in the samples.
Also. About 70 representative isolates developed on agar media were
isolated from old manuscripts samples. The fungal genera could be arranged on the
basis of there frequent occurrence as follows: Penicillium (41.7 %), Aspelgillus (29.5
%), Alternaria (11.8 %), Fusarium (9.8%) and Trichoderma (6.6 %) of the total fungal
The obtained results show Ihat only 12 out off 56 fungal isolate had a hir;h
ability to decompose CMC in Czapek's agar medium. Other 21 and 19 isolates gave
moderate and slight effect respectively. while 4 isolates showed no growth. The most
active fungal isolates (12 isolates) comprised three isolates of Aspel!;illus niger. 3
isolates of Fusarium oxysporum ,2 of Penicillium funicu/ostlm and 4 of Trichoderma
vuioe .
Data also showed that isolate no.t, 2. 3 and 4 of Trichoderma viride and no. 2
and 3 of F.oxysporum showed higher celluiase'?ctivity (Cx) than other fungal isolates.
these isolates caused 74.81 %. 91.26 %. 91.26%.71.01%,70.08 and 70.08 loss in
viscosity respectively.