Six field experiments were carried out at EI· Minia, Assiout and Sohag
governorates in farmer fierds during 1998 and 1999 seasons. The experiments were
conducted to investigate the effeci of tillage systems and N fel'1i1izer combined with
biofertilizer on grain yield of maize under farmer fields conditions. The experiments
were in a split plot design, with four replications. Main plots devoted to tillage syslems
and the sub plots to fertilizer rates. Results showed Ihet most Ihe studied characters
were not affected by the tillage systems,however, almost characters under CT tended
to increase slightly compared with no·lillage(Nn.while at Sohag the NT produced
grain yields equal to those with CT. Results also, showed mat the application of
biofertilizer{Cerealine) with mine ret nitrogen fertilizer at rate of 90kgN/fed or
120kgNffed increased growth , yield and yield components as compared to the
treatments witho!)t Cereeline. The increment in maize yield by Cerealine+90kgN/fed
and C£realin+120kgN/fed were 31.95 and 5.14% at EI·Minia 36.04 and7.53% at
Assioul and 35.7 and 3.86% at Schag, respectively compared with the treatments
without Cerealine.
It could be concluded thot application 01 the biofertilizer Cerealine may be
importance to enhancing maize yield with low rate of mineral N (90kg/fed) as
compard to the high rete of N under tillage or no-liUage systems.