Taxonomic relationships using the grains of 14 poaceous wild and cultivated
species belong to 6 genera and 5 tribes of Poaceae were studied. Species are; YlIild
oat (Avena fatus L.), Common oat (Avena sativa L.) Animated cet (Avena sterilis L).
Sudan-grass (Sorghum)( drummondii Nees ex Stendel), Sorghum (Sorghum vlrgatp < /em>m
(Hack.) Stapf.). Rye-grass (Lo/ium multiflorum Lam.), Rye-grass (Lolium perenne ~.),
Boarded Rye-grass (Lolium temu/entum L.). Wild millet (Echinochloa colona (L.)
Link.), Bamyard-grass (Echinoch/oa crus-gaTl/ (L.) P. Beauv.), Bristle·grass (Se/aria
pumlla (Pol ret) Roemer & Schultes), Can nary-grass (Pha/ans canariensis L.). Lesser
cannary-grass (Pha/aris minor Rell.) and Hood Cannary-grass or White-grass
(Phs/ans paradoxa L.).
The aim of this study was to Introduce a classification reflecting he
relationships between some wild and cultivated species of Poaceae by using he
morphological characters and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) characterizations
of the grain surface (48 characters) of Ihese species. The numerical method of
analysis (Single Linkage Clustering technique) was used 10 analyze the morphological
features and grain surface characteristics. I
Morphological description results indicated that the two species; Sorghu!p x
drummondii and Sorghum virgatum are more close to each other than to any of he
other species and could be categorized to the tribe level. The other twelve spec es
ranked in separate tribe levels. Selaria pumila was split away from both Echinoch oa
species and ranked In separate tribe called Setarieae. Grain shape and size are
considered the most important characters in differenliating between the studied
species. Scanning grain of surface revealed twelve reatures of discriminoting poten~lol
between studied species. The numerical analysis shows that the studied species are
split. in the higher similari!,:, level (1.41), into two groups: one includes both Sorghum
species and the other Includes the I emaining species. The proposed keys and
dassiflcation of species are presented.