A pot experiment was conducted in a wirehouse for studying the effb of
different levels of salinity on morphology, anatomy and yield of guar plant at the
different st9ges of growth. Results indicated thai averages of all studied characters at
tne different stages of growth were decreased by all used levels of salinity. Eff6ct of
salinity was increased progressively with raising salinity level and reached its
maximum at 6000 ppm. I
At seedling stage. the highest decrease percentages were, 4g.35% in
seedling height, 42.72% in eplcotyllength, 62.5% in first internode length and 57.58%
in number of internodes/main stem less than the control. As to the vegetative g~ wth
stage, the highest decrease percentages were 71.12% in plant height, 85.40% n 5th
internode length and 40.43% in number ofintemodes/main stem below the control
Concerning the flowering stage, the highest decrease percentages were, 65.93% in
plant height. 26.70% in number of internodes/main stem, 84.31% in number of
branches/plant, 85.53% in whole plant fresh weight and 85.21% In whole plant dry
weight lower than the control. Similar1y in maturity stage the highest decrbase
percentages were, 39.85% in plant height and 30.82% in number of internodes/main
stem below tlie control. Moreover, the highest decrease percentages in yield and ~Ield
components were 78.68% in number of pods/pta nt, 23.19% in number of seedJpod,
86.77% in number of seeds/plant, 91.6.04% in yield of seedsl plant and 55.43% in seed
index, less than the control.
Anatomical stUdies of transverse sections in the first Intemode and main fool,
revealed that 6000 ppm salinity reduced the whole diameter of cross section by 29.9%
in stem and 30.8% in root. less than the control, due to the decrease in thickness of all
included tissues. Longitudinal sections in stem of treated plants, showed a reduction
in both length and width of the medullary celts. By contracts, treatment or sa inity
increased tMe whole diameter of hypocotyt by 10.8% ail~ the thickr,ess or cotyledon
blade by 23.4% higher than the control. Moreover. as Indicated berore, all results of
salinity showed a prominent decrease in the amount 01 xylem due 10 reducing r
size and number of vessels.