T 1 cxarmne Ihe ~Gteflt'c:·t 0: wneat (Tt!l,c(/m ill;!sllitlun L ~ cul.wer mixtures in
~:abllizlng ~Ield ami raducinq stripe rl'5t (F'uccinta striiformis 'i",Je~l) seventy. five
Ef}ypllan wheal cunivars (Sakha 69, Sak.ha 8, SiO!; 7. S:ds 1 and Giza 164) were
planted in pure starvts and iq 1'1 rnixrures ~! ~ ill 1'110 successive seasons 1 S'9 7/1 'l98 aod 1 ')58/1998. Stripe rust severity and yield
(;"'11'lol.lllng Ir<,II:,. i E'. stern Innglh, :ptl;e len!;ij1, number ct s!)lIlell-!ts/splke ~"eiQt,t of
;"2rt,~islspi~e, 1COO·;._ernel weigi!t "IU.I ~:ain Yle1n ',"ere measured 'v i?ldlnG aohtv cr
r-',::::.:(~~ 1"f'!2,;de tc h rloc::;t C;.:;II >, :;eCOJlIJ season CO'''fi~led ~:.: tne r:r;! one due to acsence of _;,,,,,e /1.1:>1,;] i'le :('"
",,:;son T.'1c mixture \Sa](hQ '=8 •. S':;s 7) Inlp'oveu glain yielo obtamed by 71. 7'1J and
e1.a% (l.:iil!~e to t!le I,,(ltl ccrnponenls cmd Jl.~% sno 88.4% relauve to rmc
cornoonents in ihe 1" and '2:"': seascns. respectively -; 1'11$ mixture had relatively lower
stripe rust severity rating comparee 10 olher mixtures, LuI not significantly lower than
it::. components. In both seasons ~aktla 69 was the best competitor for number of
heacs and grilin yield i\ negative correlation (both phenotypic and genotypIC) was
fOund between both number 01 heads and grain lIieki ·.Iith spike length, number or
\:,.;rne\s per S';)ike •.• nd 1000 ~,tlrne\ wfll9hl in both seasons. O'Jn-19 the 1" season,
stripe rus: severity was negatillely correlated with numoer 01 spikelets/spike, number
of kemels/snika and number of heads In general. the results of this study show the
importance of prior testinq ror culnvar potenrial (or blending and Ihe advanlages thai
rC::l !Ja C:;:ir:"lo from !T1iylures if' slablli;dn[l yield and reduclnR SlriOEI rust severity
~ \,," ,r •. , •• .'1 us: ~I~i··it I~::~'I r. I!'.', f,n' !(:i y:, !11I ccrr ,1 .~i ;~lil:;