Two field experfments were perlormed in the Experimental Farm, acuity of
Agriculture, Zagazig University at Khattara, Shar'lda Govemorate, Egypt durin~ 2000
and 2001 summer seasons to study the effect of farmyard manure (0 and 1 & m /fad.),
N levels (20, 40, 60 kg N/fad.) and N sources (urea, ammonium nitrate and
ammonium sulphate) on yield potentIality of sesame under sandy soli condi ons. The
results could be summarized as follows:
Application of farmyard manure (FYM) significantly. increased seed yield and
most of Its attributes as well as 011 yieldlfad., except number of seeds/ca~ule, seed
weight/capsule and seed oil content (%), whiCh were not affected significantly by FYM
Each N increment increased significantly seed yield and ali attributes as well
as oil yield/fad.. while seed oil content (%), was not affected significantly in the two
seasons and their combined. .
In both seasons, addition of N as ammonium sulphate (AS) ,howed. a
favourable significant effect on plant height, fruiting zone length, umber. of
capsules/plant, seed weight/plant and seed and oil yields/fad., whereas urea (U)
recorded the lowest averages in this respect.
Significant interactions between the studied factors indicated that addition of
FYM Increased the response of sasame to the Increase of N level particu rIy when
given as ammonium sulphate than as ammonium nitrate or urea.
Seed yield (kglfad.) was positively correlated with each of leaf hlorophyU
content, plant height, fruitin'g zone length, number of brancheslplant, ()()().seed
weight, number of seeds/capsule, number of capsules/plant, seed weig~t/capsule,
seed weight/plant and oil yieldlfad. where correlation coefficients were 0.714,0.903,
0.881, 0.894, 0.911, 0.474, 0.890, 0.496, 0.795 and 0.998, respectively.
Path analysis revealed that, the main sources of seed yield variation according
to their reletive importance were, 1000-seed weight (46.36%), fruiting zone length
(30.28%) and number of capsuleslplant (10.38%), since, the direct a"d indirect
effects of these three Characters amounted to 87.02% from seed yield variation.