This study was carried out al Ihe Experimental Farm. EI·8armo station.
Mansoura Horlicullure Institute during the two successive seasons of 1999/200oo
and 2000/2001. The objective of this study was to study Ihe effecl of differe t planting
dales and plant densities on !lowering, quality, yield lind yield componen s of peas
(Pisum sativum, L.) CV. Master 8. The results were summ,·oi~ed as follows:·
\. Flowering Parameters:
,- Number of flowers per plant al55 days after sowing increased significantly when
peas were planted on Oct. 1 Sill planting da\ethan the other planflng dales (Nov.
1Sl!! and Dec. 1511).
2· Low seed rate (50 Kgtred) increased number of flowers per plant at 55 days after
sowing slgniFlcanUy than medium or high rate (60 or 75 Kglted) in both seasons.
3- Sowing peas on Oct. 151ll planting dale with 50 Kg/fed increased significantly
number of days required for anlhesis of Ihe first flower than any other interaction
between planting dates and plant density in both seasons.
II· Green Seeds Quality:
1- CulUvating peas during Oct. 1511l or Nov. 151!! planting date increased ascorbic acrd
and total soluble sallds (1SS) in green seeds over both seasons. Acidilyof green
seeds was higher at early and late planting dates.
2- Growing peas at rate of 50 Kgtted increased ascorbic acid and total soluble
solids, but decreased acidily in both seasons.
3- Ascorbic acid and total soluble solids increased when peas were grown on Oct.
15l!l, but Ihe acidity was the lowest in this treatmenl in both seasons. However,
growing peas on Ocl. 15!!! wilh 50 KgIFed plants gave the same total soluble solids
and acidity content, but lower ascorbic acid in all planting date.
111- Yield and Yield Components:
1- Sowing peas on Oel. 15111 or NOli. 15m I)lanling date were increased significantly
the values of number of pods per plants, weight of green pods per pia t, average
pod weighl, pod length, number of green seeds per pod, weighl of green seeds
per pod. we'lght 01100 green seeds and tolal yield of green pods per fed. in both
2- Low seed rate (50 Kg/fed) increased aU yield components. but decreased total
yield per fed. the highest values of lotal YIeld were obtained from the Ir atment 60
3- Sowing peas on Oct. 15\!landlor Nov. l51!!. pi a nlll'lg dale wilh 50 KgJfed. increased
number of pods per plant, weight of green pods per plant, single pod weight, pod
length, number of green seeds per pod and weighlof 100 green seeds. However.
60 Kg/fed during Oct. and Nov. p.d. gave similar values for Ihe menl oned yield
components but pod yieldIFed was higher. The results indicated t at growing
peas during October 01 November with 60 Kg/fed gave the favorable qualily and
the highest yield/fed.