The present research was carried out during three successive ye rs (2000-
2002), in order to study the effect of Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) culture
medium supplemented with various concenlrations of plant growth regula! rs cn lhe
shoot prOliferation from shoot tip explants and sheet multiplication in Malfl g Merton
106 (MM106) apple rootstock cultures.
The main results can be summarized In the forrowing points:
I· Shoot proliferation percentage from shoot tip explant, average n mber of
proliferated shoots per shoot tip explant and average length of proliferated
shoot were slgnif1canUy the highest (96.67%, 7.79 and 2.36 cm, respectively)
on MS medium + 2.0 mg1" SA + 0.2 mg1" NAA.
2- On MS medium + 1.0 mgr' SA + 0.5 mg1" Kin. the percentage of cultures wilh
muttiple shoots from Original shoot. average number of new proliferat d shoots
per original shoot and average length of new proliferated shoot were superior,
during four successive subcultures.
In the 1 II , 2nd , 3fd and 4'" subcultures. the percentage of cultures with multiple
shoots from Original shoot was slgnirlcantly the highest (90.00%, 96.67%.
100.00% and 93.33%, respectively\. Average number of new prqlirerated
shoots per original shoot was si9nificanlly the highest (7.52. and
8.21, respectively), Average length of new proliferated shoot was sig ificantly
the hi9hest (2,65cm, 2.83cm, 3.00cm and 2.7Ocm, respectively).