Globe artichoke plants were grown perennially at Kaha Experimental Station
during the two successive seasons of 200012001 and 200112002. to ~Iudy the
influence of GA3 at 50. 100. 150. and 200 ppm. Nutarmine (8 mixture of
microelemen\s) and their combination on plant growth. earliness. head yield. and
chemical constituents of head receptacles. The effect of packaging method on
s\orabilily of neaes was also investigated USing nower heads produced by plants
sprayed with the combination of 150 ppm GAl and Nutarmine.
Data revealed that number of leaves per plant significantly increased only by
Nutarrrune treatmenL Number of offshools per plant significantly increased by GAl at
150 ppm. and Nutarmlne, each alone or when combined together. GAl. Nut rrnine or
their combination did not affect dry weight of leaves per plant.
GAl at 200 ppm was slgni1icanlly the best for induction of blooming earliness.
Highest significant incraase in percentage early yield was achieved by G 3 at 150
ppm combined with Nut9rmine. Percentage late yield increased signlfi antly by
Nutarmine treatment only.
In early yield, GAl at 150 ppm combined wl1h Nutarmine resulted 'in I e highest
significant increase in number of nower heads per plant. average head eight and
total weight of heads per plant, while the combination of GA3 at 200 ppm wrth
Nutarmine resulted in the highest Significant increase in receptacle weight. GAl levels.
Nutarmine or their combination did not affect lIower head diameter or receptacle
In late yield. The highest significant increase in number of !lower heads per plant.
average head weight. weight of flower heads per plant. average receptacle weight
were resulted by the combination of GA3 at 150 ppm with Nularmine. However. none
of GAJ levels, Nutarmine or their combinations affect flower head diameter or
receptacle diameter.
All tested treatments. except GAl at 200 ppm. significantly increased reducing
sugars of receptacle. while non-reducing sugars and inuline contents were not
affected by any treatment. The Increase in GA3 concentration, either alone or when
combined with Nutarrnme, was accompanied with increament in recep\~le phenol
contents. All treatments enhanced the accumulation of GAs. and there was a gradual
increase in GA3 contents of the receptacle, associated with the increase in GAJ
concentration, either when GAJ was alone or combined with Nula mine. All
delermined micro-elements, i.e., Mn, Fe, Cu. B, and Zn. Significantly increased by the
presence of Nutarmine alone or when combined with GAs
In the slorability study. results indicated that prolonging storage period re ulted in a
remarkable 'Increase in percentage weighl loss. decay. fiber con ents and
discoloration of cut ends, while it caused a reduction in the values of visual quality